Atlantic Slave Trade

The Atlantic Slave trade was a major social and cultural development in Europe and the New World from the 16th to 19th centuries. Most salves were captured in West Africa and transported to the New World.

The Portuguese were the first to capture slaves in Africa and force them into hard labor in the New World . They captured slaves from Africa because they needed many laborers to produce the crops the were know to trade for:

  • Sugar
  • Tobacco
  • Coffee
  • Cotton

The Second Atlantic System includes the rest of the slave trade from 1580 to the 19th century. Slave traders included Portuguese, Dutch, French, and English captains at this time. Most slaves were transported to the Caribbean Islands at this time, where each country had several territories.

The Atlantic Slave Trade abused the lives of about 10,000,000 slaves while it was going. Over half the slaves were captured and traded in the 18th century, with England being the largest shipper of slaves.

Oliver Cromwell

Cromwell was a political and military leader in the England during the English Civil War. He accomplished much in his lifetime and influenced the government of England for many years.

Cromwell was born into a noble family in 1599. His family was quite poor, but he used his family name to become active in politics. Cromwell became a member of Parliament in 1628 and was part of the group opposed to Charles’s abusive tyranny. He began gathering and army to oppose the king. He accepted anyone, rich or poor, into his army, as long as they were ready to fight. Lacking military training, Cromwell studied old wars and tactics and discarded modern battle formulas. As a result, ha became a strategic genius and was quite cunning in battle. His attacks were brutal and he is remembered negatively for this part of his life.

When Cromwell returned to England, he found himself to be the most famous citizen. Parliament had been broken up, so Cromwell helped rework the constitution of England. The country became a republic and Cromwell was named the Protectorate of the Commonwealth of England.



China has a huge variety in geography. It has the Himalayas mountain in the south, Gobi desert in the north, many river valleys and mountainous regions in the center, and a large coastline with the Pacific Ocean.

By 500 AD China had already had several impressive dynasties Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, and the Han dynasty. After the Han dynasty, China was almost divided in half politically, until the Tang Empire reunited it in 618.

China in 1450
China in 1750











In the pictures above you can see how China changed. In 1450 the Ming empire ruled but by 1750 the Qing Empire had taken over and conquered more land.


*Thanks for stopping by to read my essay.

P.S. Sorry for the second blurry photo.

George I and George II

George  I was born in 1660, in a region in Hanover. For the years of his life, he was the only heir to the German lands of his father and uncles. George became the monarch of Great Britain at the age of 54, when his second cousin, Queen Anne,  died. Over 50 other people had closer blood ties to the throne than George, but he was the closest Protestant.  In 1701 the Act of Settlement was established and it prohibited any Catholics from inheriting the British throne The Jacobites believed that James Francis Stuart was the rightful ruler, and they tried to rid George from throne but failed. When George I died, his son George II took over.

George II was the last British monarch born outside Great Britain, being born and up to Hanover. At first, George II was associated with politics, unlike his father, but he later joined the government party before becoming king in 1777. Although George overcame troubles from the Jacobites and outlived his son,  his is remembered for almost nothing positive.


George Whitefield

George Whitefield was born in Gloucester, England in 1714. His parents were poor innkeepers and George did not have the money to attend college. As a result, he paid for his college by being a servant at Oxford. Whitefield was initiated into the legalistic style of Christianity during his time at Oxford. He had a conversation experience finally after crying out to God in prayer one day. After this, Whitefield became passionate about the things of God and began preaching. After becoming preacher, George Whitefield visited the American colonies as a parish priest. While there he saw an orphanage in great need and decided that, along with preaching, would be his life works. He returned to England to raise funds and continue preaching.  Some people claimed that his voice could be heard for 5 miles, allowing him to preach to thousands of people at once. Whitefield also play a role on the founding of America by warning the colonists that the king would take away their liberties over time. Whitefield visited the colonies a total of 7 times, and eventually died and buried there in 1770.

100 Followers!!!!/ Q&A

Thank you too all my followers for helping me reach my goal of 100 followers. All of you guys mean a lot to me!!!!

Because of this special occasion I will do a Q&A. Ask a question in the comments below and the first 10 questions asked,  will be answered in a separate post.

Favorite Quotes Tag

I know it took me a long time to do this but her it is……………….


  • Thank the person who tagged you.
  • Answer the questions that were asked
  • List the rules in your post.
  • Tag some people and give them as many questions to answer as you want
  • Notify the people you nominated and post the Favorite Quotes Tag picture!


Thanks to The Inspired Page for nominating me for this tag. Go check out her blog, it is AWESOME!!!

Questions Asked:

  • What is your favorite inspirational quote?

The best and most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart (Hellen Keller)

  • What is your favorite Disney quote?

Sometimes the smallest thing take up the most room in your heart. (from Winnie the Pooh)

  • What is your favorite kindness quote?

Caring people do without saying. Careless people say without doing.

  • What is your favorite positive quote?

Don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world.

  • What is a quote from your favorite movie?

I do not have a favorite movie.

People I Nominated:

Questions for the people I nominated:

Ummm….. I can’t think of other questions so I will just do the same ones.

  • What is your favorite inspirational quote?
  • What is your favorite kindness quote?
  • What is your favorite Disney quote?
  • What is a quote from your favorite book?
  • What is your favorite positive quote?
  • What is a quote from your favorite movie?

And.. that concludes the Favorite Quotes Tag.



The First 6 of the 13 Colonies

The 13 colonies were a series of British settlements on the Atlantic coast of North America.

The very first colony was Virginia. It began with Jamestown in 1607. Jamestown was the capital of Virginia until 1699, when it was changed to Williamsburg. Different parts of the colony later became Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The Province of Massachusetts was made by combining the Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Most of the leaders were Puritan but other religions were tolerated. The colonists had some trouble with the natives soon after arriving and the Pequot War broke out in 1636. The colony became the Province of Massachusetts when William and Mary issued a new charter in 1691.

While chartering Massachusetts William and Mary also started the colony of New Hampshire. The colony was named after Hampshire county in England, and at first was part of Massachusetts. At first, New Hampshire was not interested in supporting the move for independence, but eventually the revolutionary spirit spread through the colony.

Maryland  was an English colony established  by Lord Baltimore in 1632. The colony was tolerant of other religions. Although all of the other colonies were Protestant, Maryland was Catholic.  Maryland farmed tobacco to sell to Europe. Most of the profitable farms were in the area of Chesapeake Bay.

Connecticut was founded 4 years after Maryland by a Puritan minister. The Pequot War between settlers and the native Americans was mostly fought on Connecticut soil. Connecticut also helped in establishing colonial governments that were distinct from England.

Rhode Island was founded in 1636, when Rogers Williams and Anne Hutchison were banished from Massachusetts. Both of them founded their own little colony, Rhode Island and Providence Plantation , but they were combined in 1663. Rhode Island was mostly religiously tolerant, except for its treatment of Jews and Quakers.

The real neat blog award


  1. Put the award logo on your blog.
  2. Answer the 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blogs.
  4. Nominate any number of people linking to their blogs and let them know you nominated them by commenting on their post.
  5. Come up with 7 questions for the people you nominated.

Thanks to…………………

………………………………………………………………  for nominating me for this award. Make sure you check out her blog it is AWESOME.

The questions are:

1: Do you do any sports? If so, which one? Do you like doing it?

2: Do you play an instrument? If so, which one? Do you like doing it?

3: If you had to open a bakery/resturant/shop, what would it be? What would it be called?

4: What’s your favorite movie? Why? Did you like it at first?

5: Where would you live if you could live anywhere? The seaside? On a cliff? On a boat? In medieval times? In a world with magic?

6: Sweet or Savory? Why?

7: On a scale from 1-10, how much do you like books?


My answers are:

1: Do you do any sports? If so, which one? Do you like doing it?

I do not play any sports but I do ballroom dancing, and yes I like it.

2: Do you play an instrument? If so, which one? Do you like doing it?

I play violin and piano. I really love both of them ( am not saying that just because, I truly like both of them)

3: If you had to open a bakery/resturant/shop, what would it be? What would it be called?

I would open a bakery, and I would probably call it “Lizzy’s sweets”

4: What’s your favorite movie? Why? Did you like it at first?

I do not have a favorite movie.

5: Where would you live if you could live anywhere? The seaside? On a cliff? On a boat? In medieval times? In a world with magic?

I would want to live in a cruise with some of m friends (of course).

6: Sweet or Savory? Why?

Sweet (duh). Why? because it is SWEET!!! (XD)

7: One a scale from 1-10, how much do you like books?


Who I nominated:

 My Questions for the people I nominate:

  1. If you won 1 billion dollars what would you do with them?
  2. If you could have ANY pet in the world, which one would you choose?
  3. Do you like books that come in series or books the go by themselves?
  4. Do you play/want to play any sports?
  5. Would you rather watch a movie or read a book?
  6. Sour skittles or regular?
  7. Do you like taking pictures of yourself?


2019 Tag

I know I making this post REALLY late but….. her we go…………

Rules for this tag:

  • Thank the person who tagged you.
  • Answer the questions that were asked.
  • List the rules in you post.
  • Tag some people and give them questions to answer.


First, I would like to thank The Inspired Page for tagging me in this tag. You should really check out her blog, because it is AWESOME. I wish my blog was as good as hers.

Questions asked:

1.What is one major thing that you are going to do in 2019?

  • I want to become babysitting certified.

2. What are 2-3 of your New Year’s Resolutions?

  • Use my time better.
  • Keep my room clean

3. What is a major change you are going to have in 2019 (it doesn’t have to be “major”. It could be, getting a pet, something like that)?

  • I might become a babysitter. ( I really hope I do)


People I Tagged:



Emma Louise

Questions for people I tagged:

  1. Do you have any pets?
  2. What is your favorite season? Why?
  3. Do you play any sports?